Social distancing while being a parent or caregiver. It sounds kind of like the beginning of a joke. Right?
But it’s not. It is our current reality. And to be honest, if you are like me, you can admit it has been quite the challenge, to say the least.
But, as we know, this is our reality, and we have to live with it.
So, I want to challenge you. Let us start by changing our perspective. I am not saying to ignore all of the hard and try to see everything as good. Because that is near impossible.
I am saying, let's get out of the ruts that most of us are in, and try and find the good, and to make the most of what we have been given.

Avoiding Public Places
We may not be able to visit our favorite zoos and aquariums in person right now. But did you know that you can kind of visit them?
Most zoos and aquariums are currently offering live streams of their animals for you to watch from the safety and comfort of your home. And the best part, it's completely free!
Here are some of my favorites to watch:
Teach them how to do pushups and burpees. Let them have a jumping jack competition. Scour Pinterest for kid-friendly exercise activities. Take a family walk if you are able. See who can stretch the most in yoga. The possibilities are endless!

No Playdate Options
Social distancing has also forced us to forego playdates. Which is a real bummer for not just the kids, but for us parents too! Admit it, those playdates are just as much for you as for your children.
Teach them how to do pushups and burpees. Let them have a jumping jack competition. Scour Pinterest for kid-friendly exercise activities. Take a family walk if you are able. See who can stretch the most in yoga. The possibilities are endless!
Create a zoom meeting, and the children play a game through that. Or perhaps make it a together craft time.
Another thing that is important, is to make it a priority to find a way for your child to connect other ways. Such as making and snail mailing cards. Your possibilities for connection are limitless when you think outside of the box!
One option to help your children stay connected to classmates and friends would be to create a virtual playdate.

No School Means No Organized Recess
Just because your children are not in school, does not mean they have to skip daily activities that make them get up and move. Make exercise a priority for you and them!
Workout at home with YouTube. And have your kid’s workout beside you!
Teach them how to do pushups, and burpees. Let them have a jumping jack competition. Scour Pinterest for kid friendly exercise activities. Take a family walk if you are able. See who can stretch the most in yoga. The possibilities are endless!

Create a New Routine
It’s true. Our old routines are gone. But that does not mean we have to leave the concept of routine. In fact, it is more important than ever to create a new routine!
Kids thrive on routine! They are used to it.
While this is a time to be more relaxed and not as strict with time schedules, you will find it most beneficial to create a new and relaxed rhythm to your new life. And believe it or not, it does make time go faster.
Below is a sample daily routine I have found to be very helpful. And is very easy to adapt to your own personal needs.
Wake up
Get Dressed
Independent Play
Read books
At home school assignments
11:00 am-1:00pm:
Educational Screen Time
If in a situation where people can be avoided, get outdoors
Nap/ Rest Time
Independent play
Dance Party/ Exercise activity
Kitchen Clean up
Bath Time
Read Books
Total House Tidy-Up
Housework is another great life skill! Assign your child age-appropriate chores that have to be completed every day. Make sticker charts, with rewards when the chart is complete. Make the tasks even more fun, by setting a timer, and whoever finishes their chore before the timer goes off, gets extra screen time.

Make This A Learning Time
This time at home, will not last forever. Make the most of it by teaching your children helpful life skills such as baking!
Try a new cake or bread recipe. Let them assist in dinner prep. Depending on the age of the child, you can include them in the majority of the recipe process. Let them measure out the ingredients, and stir them in.
House work is another great life skill! Assign your child age-appropriate chores that have to be completed every day. Make sticker charts, with rewards when the chart is complete. Make the tasks even more fun, by setting a timer, and whoever finishes their chore before the timer goes off, gets extra screen time.

Make This A Time of Service
There are so many in our communities in need. Help your child see those needs and to get involved in helping out!
Tell an elderly neighbor you are coming over (and to stay indies while you are there) to mow their lawn or rake leaves.
Have your child make thank-you cards for healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, the sanitation crew, delivery drivers, or any number of essential employees. Make others smile! We all need a smile right now.
Let’s stop focusing on how tough our situations are all the time. And start to make the best of it.
Yes. This is a challenging and stressful time for all of us. And our kids know it.

Ease their fears and worries. Make this a time of fun for your child. And you too!
Stay safe! Remember we are here for you too! We offer so many services to help you with the children or even the elderly to help ease the stresses. Find out more here at Loving Care Home Services.
Remember, YOU are doing an amazing job!!!