I don’t know about you, but I love to workout. But let’s face it, COVID19 has changed the way we approach fitness. No longer are we able to just pack up and head to the gym, we have to get creative now. And not only that, our kids are with us the majority of the time these days.
Does that mean we can skip exercise altogether now, with the excuse of no childcare? Absolutely not! In fact, now more than ever, we need to try to get our sweat on somehow and someway with the kids in tow. Our kids need to see us as their parents, being an example to them and putting our health as a priority. And to show them that exercise is a necessary habit.
And they too need to get up and get moving as well.
But exercise is not only for our physical health as a family. It’s also a great way to build our emotional and mental health, and as a time to connect together as a family.
Even though we are primarily at home these days, we are all being pulled in so many directions on a daily basis. From virtual learning, to at homework, to the lure of screen time, it is so easy to zone out and disconnect from one another. But when make time to intentionally move together, it’s the perfect opportunity for the entire family to be not only physically present but mentally present as well. But like I said, the virus is forcing us to get creative in our workouts.
Today, I am going to share 6 fun, engaging, and out of the box exercise activities that you can complete together as a family.

Create an Obstacle Course- Let’s face it. We are spending a lot of time indoors. And that can get ‘interesting’ with kids some days. Use chairs, pillows, tables, and create a unique obstacle course. Have your kids crawl under them, over, or step up on to. It’s a great energy burner.
Dance Party- Kids love to dance! Create a playlist with some upbeat and fun songs. And do not just include your favorite tunes, but your kids as well. And after supper, set aside to 15-20 minutes, and just have fun! Or another option would be to find a tutorial on YouTube and learn a new dance style together.
Play Games Together- Twister is an excellent game for improving flexibility and muscle stamina. And Pinterest has a host of ideas to get you and your kids moving. Play this “Minute to Win It, Exercise Edition”. Or this “Spell Your Name Now Workout”.
YouTube or Other Workout Videos- Pull up a kid=friendly workout video on YouTube, and complete it together. Or even find a video that you love, and have them join in. Kids love to learn new moves. Teach them how to properly do pushups, sit-ups, burpees, lunges, squats, etc. And then have a friendly competition with them.
Speed Clean the House Together- Did you know that cleaning the house can really get your heart rate up? Do this!
Set a timer for 30 minutes each day. And once the timer begins, everyone starts to clean the entire house as fast as possible. And no one can stop cleaning until the timer is up. If you do stop, no more electronics for the day. And for those who clean the best and most, offer a reward.
Walk, Run, or Bike- If you do have access to a safe outdoor space, get outdoors with your kids. Have them walk, run, or bike with you. Play a relay game. Race with them. Get creative.

No matter what you choose to do, just get up and move! And be wholly together. And soon you will reap all the emotional, mental, and physical benefits of exercise.
So, get up, and get moving!

Interested in hiring a nanny or babysitter to help with getting your kids more active? Take a look here to see how we can help you!